Thursday, November 6, 2008

One more month of first semester!

Hello again fellow readers!
I know that it has been quite a while since my last post. This is due to the fact that I have been so busy. I can't believe how much time has flown by this semester. I feel like it has just begun but it is already November; just one more month! As I said the last two months have been pretty crazy and at times stressful. It started out with a lot of readings and assignments right off the bat. At the beginning I felt very overwhelmed as it was so different from high school. Within a month I got well adjusted to the university life when all of a sudden midterms were sprung on me. I wasn’t too concerned about my anatomy and physiology and health and healing midterms as I knew studying would get me a good mark. However, I was a little nervous for my SPOT test. What is a SPOT test you may ask? Well it is a simulated person observation test where you have to perform a specific task while your instructor watches your every move. The task for this SPOT test was vital signs. I had to check for temperature, pulse, respiration and blood pressure; and the tricky part is I had to get the same results as the instructor. I didn’t know how well I would do as I have never experienced anything like it. Surprisingly, during my test I felt a lot calmer than expected and passed! After all my midterm marks were returned I was very relieved they were done and I could have a bit of a break. But who was I kidding now it is time to do more assignments and start getting prepared for finals!
Stay tuned to hear how my last month of first semester unfolds.

1 comment:

Jane Bevington said...

Congrats on passing your SPOT test! And yes, I agree, time is just flying by!